In several instances, government fleets necessitate intelligent application and deployment process management. Moreover, verifying the drivers’ performance and claims compliance with reality and available information is crucial. Analytical and graphical reports can provide this information efficiently. Additionally, integration with other organizational departments can enhance internal processes and decision-making.

مدیریت ناوگان حمل و نقل سازمان‌های دولتی- پیشگامان آسیا

The issues faced by fleet managers in governmental organizations

Pishgaman Asia Company specializes in creating software solutions that help organizations manage their operations more efficiently. They understand the significance of fleets for government organizations and offer practical solutions to address managers’ concerns in this sector.

Some common concerns among managers include:

Not knowing the current status of the car

Lack of access to car information such as the distance traveled and the amount of fuel consumed

Lack of accurate information about the driver’s working hours

Not knowing the number of cars being serviced

Costs due to repairs and maintenance of the fleet

Risky driving by drivers and the possibility of damage to the car

We are with you by providing the following solutions:

We understand the significance of your fleet’s cargo, and our solutions aim to reduce potential transportation violations by simplifying your management tasks.

Controlling and monitoring the performance of fleet contractors

Ability to integrate with other payroll and financial systems

Ability to provide the route and geographical area of ​​car traffic

Optimal management of car assignment to different routes

Preventing personal use of cars under control

Controlling the performance and risky behavior of drivers

نرم‌افزار مدیریت ناوگان حمل و نقل سازمان‌های دولتی- پیشگامان آسیا

Some modules we recommend to you in this way:

Vehicle Request Management Module

Vehicle Tracking Module

Contractor Management Module

Payroll Management Module

Attendance and Traffic Control Module

Demo Request

Pishgaman Asia Company, a producer of enterprise software and integrated software solutions, can provide expert advice to make the right choice and suit your professional activity.

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