What makes Pishgaman Asia's Vehicle Inspection Software stand out?

This particular module plays a crucial role in numerous organizations and can be commonly known as the performance control module. Its responsibilities involve managing violations, incidents, warnings, and periodic inspections by establishing inspection forms tailored to the organization’s needs. Additionally, it generates detailed reports on these cases for managers to review.

The monitoring and inspection module can connect with the tracking, contract management, traffic control, and maintenance modules.

Benefits of Using Vehicle Inspection Software

Our benefits are much broader than what this title suggests:

Tight monitoring of performance


Reduce human errors

Reduction of driver and contractor violations

Capabilities of Vehicle Inspection Software

Imagine your ideal organization by analyzing the capabilities of this Pishgaman Asia integrated system segment.

Definition of inspection types

Inspection management (time function, navigation, random, scheduled)

Supervise the contractor’s operations

Ability to define types of inspection forms

The ability to define inspectors according to the number of activities

Inspection reports and their records

Send a contract violation report

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