What makes Pishgaman Asia's contractor management software stand out?

Organizations often outsource their transportation services to contractors to lower expenses on vehicle units, such as staffing and maintenance costs. While this approach alleviates managerial concerns, it can create new challenges concerning contract management and contractors. Fortunately, Pishgaman Asia’s software for managing contracts and contractors is highly effective in streamlining these activities by centralizing all relevant information.

Benefits of Using Contractor Management Software

Our benefits are much broader than what this title suggests:


Improving the Fleet’s Productivity and Efficiency


 Precisely and consistently monitoring the contractors


Contract cost management

Capabilities of Contractor Management Software

Imagine your ideal organization by analyzing the capabilities of this Pishgaman Asia integrated system segment.

Defining the Different Types of Transportation Contractors

Managing transportation contracts for organizational cars and shuttle services

Defining different types of contract tables and identifying evaluation criteria for contractors

Registering vehicles of contractors as per the contract

Managing and Defining Drivers and Contractor Personnel

Managing the contractual status of the transportation contractor

Managing the performance of contracted drivers

Managing the status of the transportation contractor’s contract

Contractor Violation Report

Communicating with the contractor through the messaging system to keep them informed

Attendance and traffic control of contractor vehicles

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