Why Pishgaman Asia Distribution Fleet Management software is the best choice?

Accurate and integrated monitoring is crucial for high-level decisions in fleet management. Traditional systems pose challenges in continuously monitoring driver behavior, performance, and vehicle health. Objective information is necessary for effective and error-free decision-making in today’s world.

Benefits of Distribution Fleet Management Software

Reducing driver violations

Mission’s Management

Facilitate the decision-making process

Clarify financial and contractual affairs

Reduction in Costs

نرم‌افزار مدیریت ناوگان حمل و نقل شرکت‌های پخش و توزیع-پیشگامان آسیا

Concerns of Distribution Fleet Managers

Pishgaman Asia produces enterprise software and solutions for fleets in broadcasting and distribution companies. They address managers’ concerns in this field:

Non-disobedience of drivers and marketers to sales representatives in designated routes

Failure to register the requests of sales representatives

Lack of information about the current status of the driver and distribution vehicle

Risky driving by drivers and the possibility of damage to manufactured goods and vehicle cargo

Lack of access to car information, such as the distance traveled and the amount of fuel consumed

Lack of accurate information about the driver’s working hours

Not knowing the number of cars being serviced

Costs related to repairing and maintaining the fleet

How to deliver the car in the shift and not knowing its time

We offer the following solutions to assist you:

You can transport your valuable goods without any worries or concerns. Our coverage for fleets includes the post office, online stores, freight, and other valuable goods.

Real-time tracking of the fleet position and view on the map

Defining the range of the car and its percentage

Registration of identity information and control of high-risk behaviors of drivers

Car maintenance process planning

Controlling the weight of transported goods at the origin and destination

Estimating the exact time of the mission and controlling it

نرم‌افزار مدیریت ناوگان حمل و نقل شرکت‌های پخش و توزیع-پیشگامان آسیا

Some modules we recommend to you:

Vehicle tracking module

Load weight control module

Maintenance and Repair module

Fuel management module

Product handling and operation management module

Vehicle inspection module

Consultation Request

Pishgaman Asia Company offers expert advice on selecting the right enterprise software and integrated solutions for your business needs.

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